नवीन बातमी :वसंतदादा शुगर इन्सि्ट्युट पुणे यांचेकडून सन 2021-22 चा डॉ. पतंगराव कदम सोनहिरा सह. सा. कारखान्यास कै. वसंतदादा पाटील सर्वेात्कृष्ट साखर कारखाना राज्य पातळीवरील पुरस्कार व कै. कर्मयोगी शंकररावजी पाटील सर्वेात्कृष्ट आर्थिक व्यवस्थापन पुरस्कार तसेच ऊस भूषण शेतकरी दक्षिण विभाग पुर्व हंगामात पहिला पुरस्कार जाहिर.

आमची प्रेरणास्थान
मंत्री :-
        Minister for Co-Operation, Rehabilitation, & Relief work, Government of Maharashtra.

संस्थापक :-
    सोनहिरा सहकारी साखर कारखाना लिमिटेड,
    भारती विद्यापीठ उनिवेर्सित्य, पुणे.
    भारती सहकारी बँक लिमिटेड, पुणे.
    सागरेश्वर को-ऑप स्पिंनिंग मिल लिमिटेड, कडेगाव.
    कृष्णा यारला को-ऑप स्पिंनिंग मिल लिमिटेड,पालुस.

        Hon’ble Dr. Patangrao Kadam is the founder of Bharathi Vidyapeeth, Pune. It was established in 1964. Under the guidence, control & leadership of Dr. Patangrao Kadam, Bharathi Vidyapeeth has made tremendous development in education field during last 40 years.The mission that Bharathi Vidyapeeth has defined for itself, is to bring about intellactual awakening of people through the spread of education and to prepare human resources needed for all round development, particularly econimic of the country. Dr. Patangrao Kadam is the founder of the sagareshwar sah. Soot Girini. It was registered on 18.12.1990 & Registration No. SAN/PRG/A/DH-12. The Sooth Girini has been organised by farmer members and so for collected around Rs. 2.42 Crores share capital & there are 6219 members. State Govt. of Maharashtra contributed Rs. 21.70 crores against its participation. Spining mill is having 25200 spindles, working will full capacity in three shifts. Mill is exporting 50% of yarn, which will help to get forign curentry to our country. State Govt. Maharashtra Technical and Financial performance Award Hon’ble Mr. R. R. Patil,Dy. Chief Minister & Hon’ble Dr. Patangraoji Kadam Mininster for Co-oparation.since last five years mill is receiving Best Performance Awares in National and State level for Technical and Financial performance since last four years mill is in Net Profits.

मान. डॉ. पतंगराव कदम
यम.ए., यल.यल.बी., पी एच. डी.
हे संकेतस्थळ इंटरनेट एक्ष्प्लोरर ८.० किव्हा अधिक वर १०२४ * ७६८ या रीझोल्युशन ला उत्तम दिसेल
सर्व अधिकार आरक्षित © 2011. सोनहिरा साखर कारखाना   संदेश संकेतस्थळ कर्ता : ३डी सर्विसेस | व्यवस्थापन | तपासा ई-मेल